
  • How Spring Landscape Maintenance Protects Your Older Loved Ones From Fines

    Homeowners often take their yard care very seriously and work extra hours to ensure it looks great in the spring. However, many older people may simply not have the energy to do it and may get severe fines. Thankfully, professional spring maintenance teams can help to prevent making this a serious danger. Many People Have Messy Yards At The Start Of Spring When winter ends and spring rolls around, most people have pretty messy yards.
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  • Why Aren't There Any Cherries On Your Cherry Tree?

    Many homeowners dream of having a cherry tree in their backyard so they can pick and eat juicy cherries throughout the summer. But what if your cherry tree is not producing any fruit? Sure, it is still pretty -- but you want it to give you delicious snacks, too! Here are four reasons your cherry tree might not be producing. It's not old enough If you just planted your cherry tree a year or two ago, it may just not be old enough to produce cherries yet.
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  • Going on a Long Trip? How Arborists Can Keep Your Landscape Healthy

    When you are away from home for a long time, you will not be able to take care of maintenance and repairs. So, throughout the planning of an extended trip, you should make sure that your home is ready for you to be gone for several weeks or months. Even if you have family or neighbors to watch the home, you will benefit most from preparing the home before leaving.
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  • 3 Simple Tips To Keep Your Trees Healthy This Summer

    Now that summer is near, you're probably spending a lot of time taking care of your lawn and your flower beds. This is a great idea, but just don't make the mistake of neglecting your trees. In order to stay vibrant and healthy, it's important that you take care of your trees throughout the summer. Here are some tips to put you on the right path. Have The Trees Pruned
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  • Ideas To Turn Your Tree Waste Into Art And Other Useful Items For The Home And Garden

    Usable materials that are made from tree waste include woodworking projects, sculptures, landscaping materials, and lumber. There are projects that vary in skill level, which some are as easy as chipping waste and using it as mulch. Other projects like making a decorative jewelry box can take a some woodworking skills. If you have a lot of wood waste to deal with, here are some projects that you will enjoy to put it to good use:
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  • Watering Tips for Landscape Trees

    Healthy trees require sufficient soil moisture to survive, yet water can also be damaging to trees if too much is provided or if it isn't provided properly. Although differences between trees, including species, soil conditions, and climate, affects how much water a tree needs, there are some basic tips that benefit all trees. Minimize competition While most landscape trees will grow well with grass or another groundcover growing beneath them, weeds can be detrimental.
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  • 3 Good Reasons To Hire A Tree Service

    Did you notice that some of your trees are not as healthy looking as the other ones? If you don't know much about taking care of trees, it is time to hire a professional to help you out. You don't want to end up with a lot of diseased trees in your yard that are unable to be saved. Below, you will discover a few of the reasons why hiring a professional is ideal for keeping your trees healthy.
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  • From Branches, To Trunks To Roots: The Damage Potential Of Large Trees Around Your Home

    Damage to your home can be caused by a lot of things, such as fire, natural disaster or just plain wear. There are also some damages that can be caused by trees. The damage trees can cause can sometimes be unexpected, such as a branch falling on the roof or roots growing in sewer or septic lines. If you have trees around your home, here are some of the tree damage problems that you may have to deal with:
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  • 4 Things To Consider Before Cutting Down A Tree In Pieces

    If you have a tree in your backyard that you want to cut down, but it is in a difficult to reach location, you may be able to have the tree cut down in pieces by an individual logger instead of cut down with traditional tree equipment or chopped down in one large piece. Here is a few things to consider before cutting a tree down in pieces yourself or hiring someone to do so.
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  • How To Remove Moss From A Tree Trunk

    Do you have moss growing up the trunk of your tree? Not only is this unsightly, but it's not healthy for the tree, either. While having the tree professionally sprayed with herbicides may work, the chemicals used for this purpose (copper sulfate and lime sulfur) are hazardous to the environment. Thus, you should attempt to remove the moss physically before resorting to sprays. Follow these steps to do just that.     
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