3 Simple Tips To Keep Your Trees Healthy This Summer

Posted on: 7 June 2017

Now that summer is near, you're probably spending a lot of time taking care of your lawn and your flower beds. This is a great idea, but just don't make the mistake of neglecting your trees. In order to stay vibrant and healthy, it's important that you take care of your trees throughout the summer. Here are some tips to put you on the right path.

Have The Trees Pruned

When the average person thinks of tree pruning, they think about winter. However, in some instances, summer represents an excellent time to have your trees pruned by a professional. Summer pruning is important when your trees are diseased or there is visible branch damage.

Trees in this condition should be pruned promptly, no matter the time of the year. Summer pruning is also a good idea if you have any trees that flower in the spring. Remember, tree pruning can be a difficult task if the tree is on the larger side so it's best to leave this responsibility to a professional for safety concerns and to ensure the tree is pruned properly.

Don't Forget To Water

Keep in mind that it's also important to water your trees during the summer in some cases. Summer watering is especially critical if you have a young or newly planted tree as the dry and intense heat of summer can hinder its growth.

When watering your trees, it's best to water for a longer period of time periodically, instead of short watering sessions more frequently to ensure proper root stimulation. Even if you have an older tree, if you're experiencing significantly dry weather, it might also be a good idea to irrigate your older trees.  If it's especially dry, add some mulch around the trees to help preserve the moisture from watering.

Check For Pests

During the summer months, not only are all the insects and other pests alive and active, some of these pests will see your tree as the perfect place to call home. In most cases, these pests aren't going to cause any harm to your tree, but this is not always the case.

Some insects, including bagworms, can actually harm your tree, somewhat killing it from the inside out. However, the faster you can recognize them, the faster you can have them eradicated and the better you can protect your tree so make sure you're inspecting your trees periodically.

To ensure your trees stay healthy and vibrant all year long, make sure you aren't neglecting your trees this summer by following these care tips. Get in touch with a service like Hudson & Sons Tree Service for more information.
