Preparing For A Tree Removal Procedure

Posted on: 26 January 2023

If you have a tree on your property that you wish to have removed, you probably wonder what you can do to make the procedure easy for a removal service. Here are some steps to take to ensure the process goes by without difficulties.

Request An Evaluation First

Before you have a tree removed, it is best to ask a tree service to check the tree's health. If the tree is not diseased and can thrive in another area on your property, the service can remove the tree intact and relocate it for you. This is an option to keep in mind if you wish to keep the tree rather than have it completely removed.

Make Preparations For Those Living Nearby

If you have people and pets that live in your home near the area where the tree is located, it is best to have them stay in an area well away from the path in which the tree falls. Take into account the height of the tree and any possible direction that it may fall. Keep people and pets in an area in your home well out of the way to ensure their safety. Alert neighbors about your intention to have the tree removed so they are aware of the process as well.

Move Personal Items Out Of The Way

If you have larger items on your property that are at risk of becoming damaged by a tree that falls, they need to be moved before the process takes place. Move vehicles, heavy equipment, lawn furniture, and any other item in the potential path of the tree into a location well out of the way. This will not only protect your items but also make it easier for the tree service workers to perform necessary tasks in having the tree fall without incident.

Prepare For The Tree Service Vehicle

In addition to moving items away from the tree that is to be felled, you need to take into account the areas where the tree service vehicle needs to utilize. Make sure there is enough room available for the truck to maneuver as they make their way to the location where the tree is located. Provide the tree service with information pertaining to electrical and gas lines, whether they are above or below ground. Let the service know the location of an underground septic tank and the piping system as well so they can keep their vehicle away from these areas.

For more information, contact a tree removal service near you.
