Do You Need Emergency Tree Removal Services? Find Out

Posted on: 28 December 2022

While every homeowner strives to establish a healthy grove of trees in their yard, the trees' structural integrity will deteriorate over time. When trees fail to serve their intended purpose, you should get rid of them. Besides, eliminating trees that pose a risk to your family and property is crucial. However, you should enlist the help of a tree removal service when it comes to getting rid of trees. They will evaluate the trees and may recommend removing them if the condition is not salvageable. The following are situations necessitating emergency tree removal. 

The Trees Are Leaning

If you have trees that are leaning dangerously, you should remove them. Tree leaning can result from inclement weather where strong winds weaken the root system. Furthermore, deep excavation in your home can cause significant damage to the roots, causing the trees to lean. A weak root system compromises the structural integrity of the trees. Since leaning trees are a safety risk and aesthetically unpleasing, you should hire a tree removal company to expel them.

The Trees Are Bug Infested

You should schedule tree removal services when you see signs of tree diseases or bug infestation. Diseases and pest invasion in trees mainly occur due to extreme weather conditions, such as drought, which exert stress on a tree. In diseased or bug-infested trees, you will notice girdling, branch dieback, structural weakness, and misshapen branches. And if you own fruit-producing trees, you may experience a drastic drop in yields as pests rob trees of their nourishment. Therefore, it is advisable to hire a certified arborist to remove sickly trees because they pose a risk to the healthy ones in the grove.

The Trees Are Cracking the Foundation of a Nearby Building

Trees will develop and gradually establish their root system in the ground. Because of that, tree roots may extend and project toward built structures over time. Then, they will infiltrate your house, damaging the foundation. In addition, invasive roots may spread and damage underground utility lines, causing gas or water leakage. To preserve the foundation's integrity, your tree removal specialist needs to remove trees growing near your house. 

The Trees Are Encroaching on Power Lines

If you notice trees projecting toward electricity cables, it's time to call the tree removal company. Trees can behave this way after several high-velocity winds and rainfall episodes, which may distort the tree's growth pattern. And if you fail to trim your trees regularly, you'll have overhanging limbs and branches. These trees are a safety hazard because weak limbs may topple over the power lines causing extensive damage. Hiring a tree removal company to eliminate such trees is the only way to avert possible electrical accidents. 

When a tree's condition necessitates removal, you shouldn't hesitate to call a specialist. They will examine the tree and recommend a safe way to eliminate it.

Contact a local tree removal service to learn more. 
