The Benefits And Drawback Of Stump Grinding

Posted on: 23 June 2021

Having tree stumps on your property is a safety issue. Tree stumps present a safety hazard, and they can attract insects as well. With tree stumps, one of your stump removal methods is to have the stump grinding up. Stump grinding offers both some benefits and drawbacks you should be aware of when considering tree stump removal methods.

Fast Removal Method

First, removing a tree stump with a grinding machine is a relatively fast removal method. The tree removal company will bring a stump grinding machine, a big and powerful machine that will grind the visible stump that you can see, and grind the stump deep into the ground, taking care of the attached roots as well. The machine works pretty quickly and, depending on the stump's size, will not have any problem eating up a stump or two in an hour.

Not That Intrusive

With other stump removal methods, such as stump pulling, the entire tree must be pulled out from the ground, ripping up the roots. This can create a lot of mess and leave you with a huge gaping hole in the ground.

With stump grinding, the stump is ground up in place, leaving behind wood chips in place of the stumps. The wood chips will fill up the hole and cover up space. You are not going to be left with a huge hole and damage to deal with.

Environmentally Friendly

Using a stump grinder to remove a stump is an environmentally friendly approach to this issue. With a grinder, at the end of the removal process, you will be left with a lot of wood chips. Those wood chips can be used to fill in the space left by the tree. They are also a great source of mulch, and you can move the wood chips around your yard or garden and use them where you need to use them.

Clean Slate

By using a grinder, you will be left with a space full of wood chips. You are not going to have a big hole left to fill. You essentially have a clean slate now to work with. You can replant and fix up the area around the tree as soon as they leave. You can plant flowers over the old tree location or just spread the mulch. You can do what you want with the space.

With stumping grinding, the tree stumps on your property will be quickly and efficiently removed, leaving behind lots of wood chips that you can use in your yard. The roots that are attached to the tree stump will be severed; however, if the tree had extensive roots, they will remain. When done by a professional team, this is a clean and efficient way to eliminate old stumps in your yard and create a safer space.

For more information about stump removal, contact a local company, like Sound Stump Removal.
