Stump Grinding Is A Quick Way To Remove Tree Stumps And The Dangers They Pose

Posted on: 17 December 2018

Whether you cut down a tree yourself or hire a tree removal service to do it, there's a stump left behind you have to deal with. Removing the stump is usually an additional service you have to pay for when you have a tree removed, so you may wonder if it's worth the cost. Here's why it's best to remove a tree stump and why grinding is a good way to do it.

Why You Don't Want Old Tree Stumps In Your Yard

Trees may be beautiful, but tree stumps aren't. A big stump can ruin the look of your lawn. Small stumps can be a danger when they're hidden by grass. Someone might trip on one or you might run into it with a lawnmower. It takes years for a tree stump to decompose, so you'll have to put up with the problem for a long time unless you have the stump removed. While the wood is decomposing, it may attract wood-boring insects that go on to infest your other trees or your home.

Why Grinding Is A Good Way To Remove A Tree Stump

Tree stumps are composed of the trunk and roots that hold a tree firmly in the ground. They aren't easy to get rid of. Even a small stump requires a lot of digging, cutting, and pulling with a truck to get it out of the ground. The easiest way to get rid of a stump no matter if it's big or small is by grinding it away. A stump grinder is a machine that fits over the stump and chews the wood into small pieces. The stump is usually ground up well below the surface of your yard so the stump won't sprout new growth. Plus, when it's removed below the soil line, you'll have room for planting a new tree, growing grass, or putting in a flower bed.

While pulling out a tree stump might leave a big hole behind, when the stump is ground up instead, the hole fills with mulch and soil so the surface of your yard is ready for planting grass over the area. A major benefit of grinding away the stump is that you're left with mulch rather than a massive chunk of tree you have to haul away to the dump and pay to dispose of. Stump grinding can be noisy work, but it goes fast. The stump will be out of your yard in a hurry and you can use the mulch left behind for your flowers or you can bag up the excess and throw it out if there is too much left over after filling the hole. When the stump is gone, so are the dangers of liability due to tripping and attracting termites to your yard.

For more help, contact a service like Tree Landers.
