From Branches, To Trunks To Roots: The Damage Potential Of Large Trees Around Your Home

Posted on: 7 November 2016

Damage to your home can be caused by a lot of things, such as fire, natural disaster or just plain wear. There are also some damages that can be caused by trees. The damage trees can cause can sometimes be unexpected, such as a branch falling on the roof or roots growing in sewer or septic lines. If you have trees around your home, here are some of the tree damage problems that you may have to deal with:

Tree Roots Getting In Your Plumbing Lines And Causing Damage

Tree roots can be a major problem for your home. They are often the source of many different plumbing problems. This is due to roots getting into the plumbing lines and causing blockage. This happens due to the roots looking for water and nutrients, which they have plenty of in waste water. You can have the lines cleaned if they are not too damaged and talk to a tree service about installing a root barrier for your home.

Falling Branches Due To Insects, Disease And Storm Damage Problems

Sometimes, the tree problem that you may be facing can have to do with the branches falling. This can often be attributed to high winds and storms. An emergency tree service can help you remove these hazards. Branches can also die and fall on your home due to other problems. It may be insects or disease that cause the branches of your trees to fall on your home. If this is the case, contact a tree service to help with the removal and advise for treatments to prevent these problems.

Roots Causing Problems With The Foundation When Trees Are Too Close For Comfort

Roots can cause problems with the foundation of your home as well. They can get into the foundation and begin to crack and cause severe structural damage. This is often due to the tree being too close to your home. If there are large trees that are really close to your home, you may want to consider a tree service and talk with them about removal. Removing large trees will help protect your home from structural damage. For a temporary solution, consider cutting the roots and installing a temporary root barrier until the tree can be removed.

With the trees around your home, you may be facing some of these problems. You can contact a tree removal service, such as Show Me Tree Service, to help you with repairs and get your home back to normal. 
