What Should I Do With The Stump? Tree Stump Removal Choices

Posted on: 9 June 2015

If you have recently removed a tree from your property after cutting it down on your own, you will be left with an unsightly tree stump to deal with. If you do not wish to keep this on your property, you will need to explore ways to have it removed. Most people will have a professional tree service remove a stump for them after a tree is felled. If you wish to take on the task yourself, there are a few options available in its removal.

Rent The Proper Equipment

The quickest way to remove a tree stump besides professionally, is to rent the same type of equipment a tree service would use to try to do the job on your own. Rent a stump remover from a local tool rental supply store or hardware store. Make sure to wear gloves and safety goggles when using the equipment and read all instructions provided before attempting to use. Stump removers are effective at taking out the stump completely, but you need to be very careful to avoid injury. 

Dig By Hand

Try digging around the perimeter of the stump to help loosen the roots from the ground. Use an ax to cut any larger roots that are twisted and tangled to make it easier for the stump to release its hold from the soil. Depending on the size and circumference of the stump, you may need to dig down very deep before it loosens its grip. Have a friend or two help you pull the stump from the ground if it is too large to pull out on your own.

Douse With Chemicals

Special chemicals used for stump removal are found in the landscaping section of a home goods store. Dousing the stump with chemicals will make the wood disintegrate, allowing you to pull it out of the ground easily. Drill holes in the top of the tree stump and pour the chemicals inside of them. Follow the instructions on the packaging to determine how long the chemicals need to settle before removing the stump by hand.

Try Controlled Burning

A much slower method of removal is to try burning the stump. Start by drilling several holes into the top of the stump, then fill the holes with gasoline or heating oil and let it seep into the wood for two weeks. Do this at a time when weather forecasts indicate there is no substantial precipitation expected for several days, so the gas or heating oil will have time to get into the middle of the stump. Light the stump on fire when there has been no wet weather for several days so that the stump is dry enough to burn. To find out more about stump removal, contact someone like Buskirk Tree Service.
