How To Get Rid Of A Tree Stump In Your Yard

Posted on: 4 June 2015

Cutting down a mature tree is dangerous work. Once the job is done, you're left with the big problem of what to do about the stump. Stumps are hard to get out of the ground, and they are difficult to dispose of once you do. Here are some ways to deal with a tree stump in your yard.

Pull Out Small Stumps

If the stump has a fairly small diameter, you might be able to pull it out of the ground using your truck and a chain. You'll need to dig up the soil to expose the roots first, so you can chop them in half with an ax. When that's done, attach the chain and alternate pushing and pulling on the stump until it comes out of the ground. You may need to stop a few times to chop away buried roots holding it in place. If the stump is from a large tree, it may be too big to remove in this manner.

Grind Away Big Stumps

Stump grinding is the easiest way to get rid of tree stumps, especially ones from large trees. You can rent a stump grinder or hire a contractor to grind it for you. The grinder fits over the stump and chews it into sawdust down to the soil. It's not only easy, it also eliminates the problem of what to do with the stump if you remove it.

Haul Away The Stump

If you decide to pull out the stump rather than grind it, you need to deal with the huge chunk of wood in your yard. If you want to move it, you'll probably need heavy equipment to pick it up. If you live in the country, you may be able to dump the stump in a field where it can decay over time. If you live in the city, you'll have to take the stump to a brush dump. You may have to pay quite a bit of money to have it hauled off and dumped. You don't want to let the wood decay in your yard because it will attract termites and carpenter ants that may decide to get inside your home too.

Before you think pulling out a stump yourself is the cheapest and easiest way to go, you should figure out what it will cost you to rent the necessary equipment and haul away the stump. Compare that to a quote from a contractor, like Stumpgrinder Jim, who will grind the stump for you. You may be surprised to find out it costs about the same to let a professional do the job.
